Why ‘Me”

Hello and welcome! You might be wondering why I chose to name my business me. Originally, it stood for Mother Earth, a nod to my love for nature and the way I feel most alive when I'm connected to it. Over time, however, me grew to carry a deeper, more personal meaning.

For many years, I searched for who I was and how I could feel more fulfilled. I looked everywhere—other people, countries, and jobs—hoping to find something or someone to guide me. But answers remained elusive.

When the world changed in 2020, I found myself with time to reflect. Without a career to return to, I began practicing yoga more regularly. The shift in my outlook was undeniable, and soon, my curiosity led me to pursue a 240-hour yoga teacher training. I won’t go into all the details, but that journey transformed my life profoundly.

It was through this experience that I realized: Without sounding too cliche, the answers weren’t out there—they were within. I needed to focus on healing and understanding me, from the inside out.

And so, me was born, as both a name and a philosophy. It’s about reconnecting with ourselves, nurturing from within, and honoring the unique path we each walk.

Thank you for being here.

Me, Myself and I

Hi, I’m Colleen, the founder of Me.

Originally from Ireland, I spent most of my 20s wandering the world, collecting passport stamps, and questionable sunburns. Seven years ago, I made my last stop in Vancouver, where I’ve made my nest.

I believe being “well” isn’t about “fixing” yourself—it’s about embracing all parts of who you are, the messy and the magical. With over five years of teaching experience, I guide students through Hatha, Yin, and restorative yoga, creating a space where you can breathe, move, and be your weird little self.

Conscious Connected breathwork helped me unlock the incredible power of my own breath, and to come into my own power, which is something I struggled with for years. To me, breathwork is like a secret superpower—one that clears the mind, releases stuck emotions, and reminds us that we already have everything we need inside us (no Wi-Fi required). It’s been life-changing for me, and I love sharing it with others.

I look forward to meeting you on the mat—or wherever our breath takes us.

I look forward to meeting you!

From Me, to you!

Let Me Begin